About us
Environmental and social sustainability and resilience
Transparency and ethics
Culture of peace
Climate action
Gender equality
Environmental equity
Intercultural and intergenerational dialogue

Michelle Fiol
Founder and President of EcoPaz South
Michelle is a specialist in the fields of security, international relations and cooperation, with a focus on natural resource conflicts, environmental risk management, sustainable development and peace building mainly in South America and Switzerland. She holds a Master’s degree in Defense and Security Policy obtained in France and is preparing a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva.
She has worked for the Ecuadorian government for more than 10 years as a senior civil servant and project manager. Her main skills are: strategic planning and advice, program and project management, development of public policies and operational tools for their implementation.

María del Mar Martínez
Co-founder EcoPaz South
Bachelor in Economics with an M.A of Development, Major in Environmental, Agrarian and Food Studies at the International Institute of Social Studies-Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
She has international experience in governmental and non-governmental institutions as Water Knowledge Management Consultant, Technical Specialist in agricultural sustainable production programmes and as Environmental Economics Analyst.
Her work and research have been focused on the global water and food systems and their transboundary challenges.

Ana Belén Sanmartín
Co-founder EcoPaz South
Bachelor in Economics with a double degree in Economics, Law and Management with an MSc of Development Economics from the University of Sussex.
Development Economist with experience in the public sector, consulting, and academia. Interested in macroeconomics, conflict, rural development, and economic and social inclusion issues.
Advisory Board