Environmental protection
- Sustainable management of natural resources
- Environmental policies
- Biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services
- Ecosystems and ecosystem services
- Water and hydro-policies
Climate change
- Risks, hazards, and climate extremes
- Mitigation, adaptation, resilience
- Planetary boundaries and tipping points
- Economics and planetary boundaries
- Decarbonization
- Defense and climate crisis
Conflict, security and environmental peace
- Threats and risks
- Disputes and conflicts over natural resources
- Role of state and non-state actors
- Defense and environmental security
Environmental justice, gender and climate action
- Incidence of the role of women and youth
- Impacts on vulnerable populations
- Indigenous communities and nationalities
- Crimes against nature and nature rights
- Environmental law
Sustainable livelihoods
- Sustainable cities
- Sustainable agriculture
- Responsible production and consumption
- Ancestral knowledge
- Solutions inspired by nature
Sustainable enterprises
- Social responsibility
- Carbon and water footprint reduction
- Sustainable production
- Waste management
- Innovation for climate and environment
- Circular economy and bioeconomy
Environmental cooperation and governance
- Inter and intra-regional exchanges
- Switzerland/Europe/South America
- South-South and triangular cooperation
- Environmental governance and best practices